Evolution of Political Languages around Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education: Power Dynamics and Thresholds of Historicity
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Jiménez-Ocampo, S. (2024). Evolution of Political Languages around Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education: Power Dynamics and Thresholds of Historicity. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 5(10), e240165. https://doi.org/10.46652/resistances.v5i10.165


Since November 22, 2022, with the release of ChatGPT, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has emerged as a central topic in education. This article explores the evolution of political languages around GenAI in education, analyzing the power dynamics and thresholds of historicity that have shaped its development. Through a praxeological conceptual critical history perspective, following Elias Palti's methodologies and drawing on teaching experiences, the problematic use of the term “Artificial Intelligence” is questioned and the epistemological assumptions underlying dominant interpretations of GenAI in education are examined. The “ideal types” that promote a technocentric and optimistic view of GenAI, such as personalization of learning, democratization of access, and administrative efficiency, are discussed. The article criticizes these approaches for perpetuating inequalities, deepening technological determinism and minimizing the social, cultural and ethical dimensions of education. In addition, the processes of domination and knowledge-power relations associated with the implementation of GenAI are explored, highlighting technological dependence, epistemic domination, and surveillance over students and teachers. Finally, it argues for the need to promote narratives of digital sovereignty and technological self-determination, especially in the global south, to develop technological solutions that respond to local contexts and to foster a more critical and pluralistic debate on the role of AI in education.

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