RESISTANCES. Journal of the Philosophy of History is a refereed academic journal, which uses the continuous publication system, publishing two issues per year (January-June and July-December) in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. It is edited by the Centro de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de América Latina (CICSHAL-RELIGACIÓN), a center associated with CLACSO. The journal is inspired by the resistance experience of Dolores Cacuango, who promoted processes of struggle and political participation that allowed great advances in the achievement of the rights of peasants and indigenous people, and oppressed sectors of the region. This constitutes a reference to our intention to make visible and revalue a philosophical praxis committed to historical and social reality.
Aims and scope
The purpose of the journal is to promote a situated and critical approach to original research related to the study of Philosophy and History, from the various fields of these disciplines and that helps in the complex treatment of current problems.
Political Philosophy; Social Philosophy; Latin American Philosophy; Practical Philosophy; Critical Epistemologies; Contemporary Philosophy; Philosophy of Science, language, Philosophy of Gender; Philosophy of law, Law, Ethics and Aesthetics in their articulation with the historical, social, economic, political, cultural, intellectual, and environmental approaches of Contemporary History; Applied History, Oral History, and Collective Memory as privileged spaces to philosophically read our present.
The journal welcomes contributions from scholars and researchers and young doctoral candidates on topics in History and Philosophy and encourages innovative writing and research on a variety of topics and with a variety of theoretical frameworks.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial evaluation by the Editors of the journal and if deemed appropriate for further consideration, peer review by independent and anonymous expert referees. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision based on the reviewer's reports. All peer review is double-blind, and submission is online via email:
Submission process: here.
Languages accepted for publication: English, Spanish or Portuguese.
Resistances is a peer-reviewed publication that publishes 2 issues per year (January-July, August-December). Founded in 2020, appear as a journal of the philosophy of history, inspired by the life of an Ecuadorian indigenous woman, Dolores Cacuango, her teachings, and struggle processes allowed great advances in the achievement of rights for farmworkers, and her popular wisdom is an example of the thought that transforms. Her phrase: "We are like the straw of paramo that starts and grows again... and of straw of paramo we will sow the world", encourages our intention to contribute to the academy with a critical journal, which covers the knowledge from different perspectives, which contributes to a historical review and with a renewed vision of the images of the world.
Resistances uses the OJS/PKP platform; therefore, it is compatible with the LOCKSS system (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and the CLOCKSS system (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), both serve to guarantee a permanent and safe file of the journal.