Conflict between Environmental Rights and Economic Development in the Ecuadorian Constitution
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Direitos civis; política; direitos e economía; qualidade de vida; direitos humanos. Derechos civiles; política; derechos y economía; calidad de vida; derechos humanos. Civil Rights; politics; rights and economics; quality of life; human rights.

How to Cite

Sarmiento Castro, R. P., & Ochoa Rodríguez, F. E. (2024). Conflict between Environmental Rights and Economic Development in the Ecuadorian Constitution. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 5(10), e240162.


Ecuador faces the challenge of balancing economic development with environmental preservation, especially in the wake of the 2008 Constitution that promotes sustainability. However, tensions and contradictions exist between economic development policies and environmental conservation. The study analyzes how ambiguity in constitutional regulations on environmental rights and economic development affects conflict resolution in international arbitration and its impact on environmental sustainability and economic development between 2000 and 2024. A mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative) was used, combining literature review, analysis of international arbitration cases, surveys and statistical data. Regulatory ambiguity hinders conflict resolution in international arbitration, negatively impacting sustainability and economic development. Cases such as Chevron III illustrate the complexity of balancing investment rights with environmental obligations. Comparing with Colombia and Brazil, it is identified that, although Ecuador has innovative approaches, it faces similar challenges in effective implementation. Legislative reforms are needed to clarify environmental regulations, strengthen institutional capacity, and promote civil society participation in policy making. It is crucial to align national regulations with international standards to improve environmental protection and promote sustainable economic development.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Romel Paúl Sarmiento Castro, Fernando Esteban Ochoa Rodríguez


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