The ineffectiveness in economic reparation within protection actions in the province of Cañar in the period 2022
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Direitos humanos; Direito constitucional; Direito à justiça; Garantias legais; Reparação econômica. Derechos humanos; Derecho constitucional; Derecho a la justicia; Garantías jurídicas, Reparación económica. Human rights; Constitucional law; Right to justice; Legal guarantees; economic reparation.

How to Cite

Espinoza Espinoza, E. V., & Zamora Vázquez, A. F. (2024). The ineffectiveness in economic reparation within protection actions in the province of Cañar in the period 2022. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 5(10), e240154.


The present work studied the ineffectiveness of economic reparation withinn the protection actions processed in the province of Cañar in the period January-December 2022. This work was analyzed from an autonomous study of several central concepts wich in the case were constitucional guaramtees, the right to judicial protection, protective action and economic reparation. These topics were reviewed from various aspects such as: their historical trajectory. Their importance and their regulation in current Ecuadorian law. Finally, the ineffectiveness of econocmic reparation within the protection actions in the place and period of study was carefully analyzed, in wich relevant aspects and their relationship in terms of the percentage of non-compliance with their sentences an their lack of compliance could be identified of celerity. In this sense, to meet the proposed objectives, the research was carried out under a non- experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive methodology, with a mixed approach (quantitative-qualitative), in which historical-historical methods were used. Logical, inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic and dogmatic. Likewise the techniques of signing, bibliographic and documenatry review of the protection action processes presented in the province of Cañar during were used. As a result, the ineffectiveness of the economic reparatoon in this guarantee was demonstrated, which allowed us to conclude that the current procedure to establish the quantification is not ideal to guarantee the plaintiff an expeditious procedure in accordance with the nature and purpose of the protection action.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Erika Valeria Espinoza Espinoxa, Ana Fabiola Zamora Vázquez


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