A matter of correct distancing: Benjamin and Heidegger on the artwork
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Staroselsky, T. (2022). A matter of correct distancing: Benjamin and Heidegger on the artwork. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 3(5), e21067. https://doi.org/10.46652/resistances.v3i5.67


In this article I explore the relationship between Walter Benjamin´s and Martin Heidegger´s ideas regarding the work of art and the importance of the spatial dimension in the aesthetic experience. To do this, I offer a comparative reading of both author’s essays on the artwork, as both can be interpreted as a critique of the modern conception of the relationship between man and the world in terms of a subject and an object, which hides the transformative potentiality of experience. I also offer an interpretation of Heidegger's “The Age of the World Picture” in the light of Benjaminian ideas on aestheticization and the crisis of experience, pointing out some proximities and oppositions between the ideas of both thinkers with the aim of make a contribution to the understanding of both corpus. Heidegger was, indeed, a lucid critic of the forms of objectivation of the world that understand it, from the theory but not without important consequences for praxis, as a mere object of observation, control and measurement. Even so, and as can be expected, beyond the coincidences, the crucial difference between our philosophers will be, in a very deep sense, political.

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