Since the end of the 20th century, the extraction rates of natural resources have increased considerably, as has the production of extremely high quantities of pollutants. These two processes, associated with the dispossession, enclosure, and privatization of common goods, have led to a context of environmental devastation and civilizational degradation, highlighting the need to redefine current economic development under a socio-environmental perspective to preserve life. From this observation, the analysis begins with a definition, characterization, and description of the dimensions, levels, processes, events, and actors that make up the environmental crisis, which is both global and multidimensional. Then, the study highlights the social movements engaged in the defense of the environment, whose main characteristic is the creation of spaces dedicated to the care of life and the living. In conclusion, the paper argued in favor of a productive recovery of territories, considered a starting point for rethinking, building, and progressing towards alternative forms of development and modernity, distinct from the hegemonic models predominant in contemporary capitalism.
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