The concept of experience is central to Benjamin's work, as witnessed by the multiplicity of academic works that try to clarify it. Thus, the Benjaminian critique of the Kantian concept of experience, the possibility of having an experience with the past that interrupts the course of history, the potentiality of aesthetic experience in the context of the crisis of traditional artforms, and the recognition of religious experience are some of the problematic areas in which appealing to the concept of experience is unavoidable. In this framework, one of the central problems that must be taken into account in order to clarify Benjamin´s understanding of experience is the crisis or decline of experience in the 20th century. This paper focused on this diagnosis. Firstly, the texts in which Benjamin has more explicitly referred to this phenomenon are considered. Secondly, some current interpretations are evaluated, namely, those debating whether the crisis diagnosed by Benjamin allows for glimpsing a certain reconfiguration of experience or condemns us to think about its absolute impossibility. We maintain, following Didi-Huberman and Déotte, that in Benjamin´s approach it is possibly to take advantage of the poverty of experiences to explore the experiences that our historical time makes possible.
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