In the present article, the "life project" will be studied as a legal category of constitutional law, framed within the scope of existential rights; these are understood as those whose purpose is to provide guarantees to the psychic or emotional heritage of human beings, within which undoubtedly lies the right to self-determination and to project the goals they hope to achieve in their lives and the paths to follow to accomplish them. The creation of such a "life project" will depend on the free will that individuals must have to choose, from a range of existential possibilities, those that, according to their own deductions, will lead them to the attainment of their intimate fulfillment. Having clarified the value that the "life project" has for the law, this article will analyze the nascent normative and jurisprudential development that this legal category has deserved in Ecuador; and, it will carry out a brief analysis of the treatment it receives from constitutional jurisprudence, as well as the hopeful development of the topic in the rulings of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fernando Esteban Ordóñez Carpio, Ana Fabiola Zamora Vázquez