The general objective of this research was to analyze the challenges that unconventional warfare forms of attack generate to military ethics in the face of the nation's integral defense and security. It was based on a quantitative documentary approach. Contemporary military operations demand high standards from officers' leadership; consequently, they must be aware of the impact that they have on other people when faced with difficult situations; therefore, their conduct must be in line with their roles, norms and ethical values. Ethical behavior in the face of diffuse warfare and cyber dominance has gained importance in theoretical and doctrinal discussions in the military field. The use of military force must be within the limits of the norm, but above all it must be ethical, which is one of the main reasons why military ethics exists. However, there are no laws that regulate cyber conflicts, nor are they framed in the concepts of traditional war theory. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that cyber attacks directed at the FANB could be considered war crimes. Cyber ??warfare weapons are expensive and their effectiveness diminishes rapidly after use due to the loss of their element of surprise, making them unprofitable.
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