This essay analyzes the principle of constitutional promptness and its noncompliance in the administration of justice in the province of Cañar in 2022. The processing times of protective actions are thoroughly examined to evaluate how variability and delays affect the efficacy of the judicial system. The data shows that, although the majority of cases are resolved within an acceptable range, significant delays exist that impact the effectiveness of justice. The information provided by the Provincial Directorate of the Judiciary of Cañar forms the basis of the research, which is analyzed using statistics such as mode, mean, and median resolution times at different stages of the process. Finally, measures are proposed to improve the promptness of the administration of justice, such as establishing maximum legal deadlines, optimizing procedures, and enhancing the training and resources of judicial personnel.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Karol Andrea Cabrera Calle, Ana Fabiola Zamora Vázquez