Lack of Legal Provisions Regulating the Evidentiary Aspect of Transit
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Direito penal; trânsito; disposição legal; direito probatório; contravenção. Criminal law; traffic; legal disposition; evidence law; contravention. Derecho penal; tránsito; disposición jurídica; derecho probatorio; contravención.

How to Cite

Cárdenas Parra, T. J., & Durán Ramírez, A. L. (2024). Lack of Legal Provisions Regulating the Evidentiary Aspect of Transit. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 5(9), e240141.


In the area of criminal procedural law, particularly in the context of traffic, there is a lack of legal provisions regulating the evidentiary aspect to prove infractions by the competent authorities. Specifically, the lack of regulation on the use of photographs or videos as evidence hinders the law enforcement process, since neither the COIP nor the LOTTTSV or their regulations adequately address how evidence should be obtained through digital means. This regulatory gap raises questions about what aspects can be captured in digital content, how to carry out such a process and what requirements the devices used must meet. This situation justifies the need for a thorough investigation to determine what aspects should be incorporated into the traffic regulations to ensure due process. The main objective of this research was to identify the deficiencies in the regulation of the evidentiary aspect in cases of traffic infractions, as well as to propose recommendations to improve the existing regulatory framework. We sought to determine which aspects should be incorporated into the traffic regulations to guarantee due process and fair application of the law. To address this issue, qualitative research with a descriptive approach was carried out. The dogmatic-legal analytical-synthetic method was used to analyze in detail the existing legislation and regulatory gaps related to the collection of digital evidence in cases of traffic offenses. In addition, interviews were conducted with experts in criminal procedural law and relevant case law information was collected. This methodological approach allowed for an in-depth understanding of the challenges and possible solutions in this area. The results of the research revealed important gaps in the regulation of the evidentiary aspect in cases of traffic offenses. Problems related to the lack of clarity in the procedures for obtaining digital evidence and the absence of specific criteria for the admissibility of such evidence in legal proceedings were identified. In addition, the need to establish clear standards and adequate procedures to ensure the integrity and reliability of digital evidence in the traffic context was highlighted. This research highlights the importance of addressing the deficiencies in the regulation of the evidentiary aspect in traffic violation cases. It recommends the implementation of specific measures to improve the collection and admissibility of digital evidence, as well as the review and updating of existing regulations. This will help to ensure a fair and transparent legal process in the area of traffic offenses, thus strengthening the rule of law and confidence in the judicial system.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Teodoro Javier Cárdenas Parra, Andrea Lisseth Durán Ramírez


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