Medical-legal expertise for medical malpractice. Approach to the Ecuadorian reality
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Erro médico; responsabilidade; perícia médico-legal; violação de direitos; protocolo. Mala práctica médica; responsabilidad; peritaje medicolegal; vulneración de derechos; protocolo. Medical malpractice; responsibility; medicolegal expertise; violation of rights; protocol.

How to Cite

Díaz Loor, E. G., & Pérez Ycaza, J. C. (2023). Medical-legal expertise for medical malpractice. Approach to the Ecuadorian reality. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 4(8), e230126.


Complaints for medical liability in Ecuador have increased in the last decade as a result of the criminalization of professional malpractice established in the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code; the investigation is complex, and the legal medical expertise becomes a fundamental piece in the conflict. 10 expert reports of cases of medical malpractice in Ecuador are reviewed, Ecuadorian legislation is analyzed and the literature on the subject is reviewed. The lack of protocols or procedural guides was identified, the reports do not have a structure and are the result of the discretion of the designated expert. An expert action protocol is proposed that will facilitate the activity of the expert and greater objectivity in the investigation.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Edwin Gabriel Díaz Loor, Juan Carlos Pérez Ycaza


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