In this paper the modern Western concept of the subject is problematized. Our goal is to analyze the violent and harmful effects it causes. We will argue that the invulnerable, rigid, autonomous, and rational subject suffocates life in its multiplicity. For this purpose, we will offer a critical reflection on metaphysical dualism which will show that feminist thought is in a privileged position to problematize this abstract, disembodied subject and act as a catalyst for change by articulating conceptions of subjectivity which are less exclusionary and uninhabitable. Butler offers us her concept of the performative subject, a constitutively vulnerable and interdependent agent. The Combahee River Collective´s feminism uses the concept of “interlocking oppressions” to show the impossibility of separating the categories which both constitute and oppress us. Lorde redefines the concept of differences and views them as configurated in interconnection in a unique creative dimension. Ahmed´s work takes up the strength of Black Feminism with her “sweaty concepts”. Curiel denounces the modern colonial subject and its impact on our present. To sum up, this article brings to the fore feminist perspectives which subvert the humanist subject and its hierarchical organization of the world.
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