When Édouard Manet painted the work Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe between 1862 and 1863 and exhibited it at the Salon des Refuseds ??in 1863, the sensuality of the naked woman sitting next to two men, dressed in the fashion of the time, caused a great scandal in French society. from that time. However, the photograph of two Zulu women, published in the British magazine Photographic News in 1879, had an effect completely contrary to Manet's famous painting. The present text will investigate the fascination exerted by the exotic, dark and mythical in the construction of the sensibility of thinkers and artists of the avant-garde and in the representation of non-Western peoples, as well as the construction of notions such as “primitive art” or even “African art” that operated within the modernist discourse on art, showing that modernism and colonialism are brutally and surprisingly connected.
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