We propose a theatrical Aesthetics of liberation understood as one that articulates imaginary, visual, or textual bridges between the opening to the context-world (aisthesis) and its impact on subjectivity (affective atmosphere) and that gives rise to a scenic production (poiesis) favorable to the conservation and improvement of life that raises opposition or rejection of those contexts that are not conducive to it. We will observe the productions of the theatrical scene in three moments of the recent Argentine past to visualize both the resistance and denunciation of the decrease or disappearance of rights and the rejection of the necessary control of bodies and actions to impose the liberal/neoliberal model. We will look into scenes produced during the Argentine Revolution (1966-73), stagings of the end of the 20th century responding to the exacerbation of neoliberalism, and finally, those produced during the last neoliberal restoration (Macri, 2015-2019).
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