Based on the photographic work “Infinite columns”, by the artist and activist Daniel Lima, this article perceives Homi Bhabha's concept of 'between-place' in dialogue with Stuart Hall's theories of contemporary culture, in contrast to the dissonance of cultural encounters, and artistic scenario since no less than the week of the 22nd and its celebration of Brazilian art restricted to Europeanized modernists, but which persists to the present day, whether in the absence of other aesthetic manifestations in contemporary art curricula, or in line with the restrictions of COVID19, which unites academics in virtual networks, electronic columns, but interrupts school dialogues with those dispossessed of those devices and virtual networks.
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Frente 3 de Fevereiro. (2018). Zumbi Somos Nós, Cartografia do Racismo para Jovens Urbanos. S.E
Glissant, E. (2021). Poéticas da Relação. Bazar do Tempo.
Hall, S. (2004). Da Diáspora, Identidades e Mediações Culturais. Humanitas, Liv Sovik org. UFMG.
Hall, S. (2016). Cultura e Representação. PUC.
Instituto de Artes – Unicamp (2021, marzo 17). Da barreira do Inferno à ilha de Gorée: perspectivas de um caminho poético. [Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9hpWI328Hs

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Copyright (c) 2022 Celia Maria Antonacci