Our initial proposal was to bring together two diverse cultural environments, two different groups of young people: the young undergraduate students of the Journalism and Multimeios at PUC-SP and the young people of the Nofotofake collective from the favela of Heliópolis (subjects and subjects of the research of doctoral student Roberta Dabdab), to photograph together their respective environments as a contribution to the construction of an “intersubjective model” of social design, capable of inducing the creation of intersubjectivities among them. We were living the pandemic at its peak (2021) and our hypothesis was not confirmed at first, but it flourished and confirmed the importance of a model that makes it possible to design new social, cultural and therefore environmental configurations, a kind of “biodesign”. The methodology is based on Harry Pross's Media Theory and his considerations about “primary media” and will follow paths pointed out by Vilém Flusser (intersubjectivity) and Baitello (iconophagy).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Roberta Dabdab, Norvala Baitello Junior