This article investigates the nuances of the discourses about Brasília in the texts of the censor’s opinion on who acted in the military dictatorship in Brazil. The movies that suffered previous censorship were ‘‘Vestibular 70’’, ‘‘Brasília Ano 10’’ and ‘‘Samba em Brasília’’. The first two were produced in the capital and the last one in Rio de Janeiro, in 1960. With that being said, it was important to reflect on the historicity of how the discourse was presented in those documents. For that, the opinions were examed in the light of the Speech Analysis of Michel Pêcheux and Althusser, alongside other reflections inside this theoretical-methodological field. The histography about Brasília was also of extreme importance for the understanding of the conjecture in which the language of the opinions is inserted. The aspiration of this analysis was to identify the role of the candango cinema in the construction of the city’s imaginary and its relation to the State, through the opinions of censorship.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Amanda de Oliveira Passos