The sign of the times indicates an existential crisis in Western culture. First, there is a discontinuity between the subjective experience and the world, which in turn unfolds in the world, specifically in the problems described in its ecological and productive dimension. On the other hand, we have witnessed the collapse of the narratives that sought to cohere the world in a universal story. In this state of affairs, this text proposes the need to incorporate narratives capable of acting at all levels of depth in which the problem that afflicts contemporary humanity operates. For this reason, the ontological scopes described in a sonnet by the Italian poet Francesco Petrarca will be reviewed in order to know the status of humanity in the Renaissance worldview, thanks to the understanding of its primordial organ which is the heart, the hegemonikon. Thanks to this, the West has the opportunity to incorporate this lost piece in history, which will provide new materials that come from a worldview in which the human was rooted in the cosmos, all to respond to a problem that is primarily ontological, i.e., that questions the nature and scope of humanity.
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