This article exposes the construction of the environment that made possible the manifestation of the homosexual narratives of Pierre Seel and Rudolf Brazda as Holocaust survivors; by what means they emerge and relate to the History of the Present Time and how this category can be seen as a form of expression of the traumatic experience. For this to be possible, I compared both works (“Eu, Pierre Seel, deportado homossexual” and “Triângulo Rosa: um homossexual no campo de concentração nazista”) in a careful reading of the common social markers for these subjects. The points of contact shared between the analyzed documents, an autobiography from 1994 and a biography from 2010, were privileged for the writing of this text. The main objective of this analysis was to understand how the testimonial narratives of these individuals were consolidated in spaces of socio-political struggle, claiming a legitimate place in the public sphere, reparations, and rights to memory, truth, and justice. Among the results, there is the reality of institutional homophobia as a direct obstacle to the recognition of homosexual victims of persecution, deportation, imprisonment, and extermination carried out by the Nazis. Even decades after the reconstruction of Europe and, consequently, the denazification of its territory, victims such as the pink triangles remained on the social margin, seen by the State and society as common criminals.
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