In health economics studies, it is usual to use measurement units that weight the number of years of life expected and the presence of disability (DALY) or the quality of life (QALY) during such a period. The objective of this work is to inquire into the assumptions and ethical consequences of the use of these units of measurement as criteria of priority or tiebreaker in triage decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. First, it will address the connections between these categories and the standard view of the quality of life of people with disabilities, according to which the quality of life of these people is comparatively lower than that of the rest. Second, it will be argued that this perspective is wrong and that, when it influences triage decisions, it feeds back structural injustices that are not permissible from an ethical framework of equity. Finally, it will be discussed the representation of the deepening of the mechanisms that produce inequality and structural injustice as a period of crisis that justifies states of emergency, exception, and urgency. This will show that focusing solely on the need to apply individual priority or tiebreaker criteria in triage decisions during COVID-19 is presented under misleading rhetoric that hides the systematic processes of exclusion and exploitation that have produced a large part of the conditions that generate the dilemmas of the present, and that block comprehensive, collective and long-term measures.
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