Secret History: conspiracy mythologies in Brasil Paralelo documentaries
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Brasil paralelo; Imaginário; Atmosferas; Documentário; Tecnologias de mídia. Brasil Paralelo; Imaginary; Atmospheres; Documentary; Media technologies. Brasil Paralelo; Imaginario; Atmósferas; Documental; Tecnologías de los medios de comunicación.

How to Cite

Felinto, E. (2024). Secret History: conspiracy mythologies in Brasil Paralelo documentaries. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 5(10), e240172.


This work aims to analyze the elements and articulations of a conspiratorial imaginary present in the documentary "Pátria Educadora", produced by the streaming channel Brasil Paralelo. My main hypothesis is that this imaginary must be investigated not only at the semantic level of the meanings produced in the audiovisual discourse, but also in the dimension of the atmospheres that act as adjuncts to this discourse. It is proposed that this analysis takes place at the interface between the fields of political studies, theories of affect and communication technologies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Erick Felinto


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