This study investigates the phenomenon of transformational leadership in Chuskuyaku, exploring its challenges and opportunities for community development and improving quality of life. Through an interdisciplinary approach, it examines how transformational leadership influences the community’s ability to face and overcome obstacles, as well as to promote positive change. The research is of a quantitative, exploratory, descriptive, cross-cutting correlational type. The sample was composed of members of the Chuskuyaku community. The data collection used the survey technique and the questionnaire tool, which was evaluated by expert judgment. The results of statistical analyses show an alpha Cronbach coefficient of 0.953, indicating high reliability. A correlation analysis was also established, showing positive and moderate correlations between independent and dependent variables with values of (0,273**), (0,523**), respectively. By adapting and applying transformational leadership to a community and rural context, this study has enriched the theoretical field of transformative leadership. It also provides useful lessons on how to design and implement effective community development interventions in the Chuskuyaku community that improve the quality of life and address the socio-economic challenges of the community.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gloria Elizabeth García-Chamba, Guido Olivier Erazo-Alvarez, Glenda Maricela Ramón Poma