Ecuador’s prison system is facing a structural crisis of worrisome proportions. This research focuses on analyzing the various causes that have precipitated this situation, with the objective of determining the responsibility of the Ecuadorian State in this crisis. Specifically, it examines whether the State adequately fulfills its obligation to rehabilitate convicts and reintegrate them into society after the completion of their sentences. A significant absence of effective reinsertion programs for Persons Deprived of Liberty (PPL) is evidenced, which directly contributes to the current prison crisis. The purpose of this study is to critically analyze the situation of the Ecuadorian prison system, identifying the deficiencies in the rehabilitation and social reinsertion programs offered to PPL. It seeks to determine whether the State is the main responsible for the prison crisis through the analysis of various bibliographic sources and the evaluation of its compliance with its legal and humanitarian obligations towards this vulnerable group. Qualitative research was carried out, where several specialized bibliographic sources were analyzed to address the problem of the prison system in Ecuador. Relevant government reports, academic studies and legal documents were reviewed to gain an in-depth understanding of the underlying causes of the prison crisis. This methodology allowed for a comprehensive assessment of institutional deficiencies and the lack of adequate rehabilitation programs for PPLs in the country. The research findings reveal several factors that contribute to the prison crisis in Ecuador. These include overcrowding, overpopulation, institutional weakness, drug, and arms trafficking, among others. It is evident that the State does not adequately comply with its obligation to rehabilitate the convicted and reintegrate them into society, which aggravates the situation and makes the life of the PPL in prisons more miserable. This study confirms that the Ecuadorian state is primarily responsible for the country’s prison crisis. The lack of effective rehabilitation and social reinsertion programs for PPL, along with other institutional deficiencies, has exacerbated the situation. It is imperative that the State take urgent and effective measures to address these shortcomings and ensure respect for the human rights and dignity of persons deprived of their liberty in Ecuador.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Irene Yuglan Coello Chang, Ana Fabiola Zamora Vázquez