The objective duty of care under the Anesthesiologists’ Professional Practice Act and Regulations
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Direito penal; Direito penal; Sentença judicial; Direito; Médico; Cirurgia. Derecho penal; Sentencia judicial; Derecho; Médico; Cirugía. Criminal law; Judicial sentence; Law; Physician; Surgery.

How to Cite

Lama Tapia, H. J., & Pérez Ycaza, J. C. (2023). The objective duty of care under the Anesthesiologists’ Professional Practice Act and Regulations. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 4(8), e230125.


The infraction of the objective duty of care (IODC) is a figure introduced in Ecuador in 2014 with the COIP, with 4 concurrent requirements. For the actions of Anesthesiologists, it is necessary to jointly evaluate: the law and regulations of the specialty, the minimum safety standards of CLASA and the documents on “safe surgery” of the WHO. We investigate in this article whether there is a relationship between the latter standards and the requirements. The objective is to find the relation and review its judicial reality. For this purpose, we carried out a documentary analysis using legal logic. As a result, we obtained a correspondence between these norms and the elements of the IODC, as well as an absence of their consideration within the evaluated sentences. It is concluded that although they are legally enforceable, these norms are not always analyzed when an alleged IODC is judged, which is why their incorporation into the judicial sphere is necessary.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Hamilton Jotyin Lama Tapia, Juan Carlos Pérez Ycaza


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