The dematerialization of documents as a process of modernizing notarial actions and the principle of legal certainty
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Dematerialization of documents; legal certainty; State modernization; notarial actions. Desmaterialización de documentos; seguridad jurídica; modernización del Estado; actuaciones notariales. Desmaterialização de documentos; segurança jurídica; modernização do Estado; procedimentos notariais.

How to Cite

Clavijo Sicha, M. A. (2023). The dematerialization of documents as a process of modernizing notarial actions and the principle of legal certainty. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 4(8), e230124.


He development of the present research is based on the legal and constitutional arguments that allow promoting the modernization of the Ecuadorian State, considering the dematerialization of notarial actions and their relationship with the principle of legal certainty. The methodology used was a qualitative, descriptive approach, using structured interviews as a data collection instrument directed at notaries and lawyers. The main results indicate that indeed the dematerialization of documents is perceived as part of the State's modernization process and aligns with the principle of legal certainty, thanks to the established procedures. However, it is necessary to keep the information system updated according to technological advances to strengthen the user's trust in the system. Additionally, constant training for notarial staff and simplification of procedures for obtaining information are essential aspects to be considered.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mónica Alexandra Clavijo Sicha


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