The “Loyal” Narrators. An Examination of Post-Graduate Theses on the Kurdish Conflict and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey
Presentation of the Dossier: Feminisms and posthumanism


Tese; Inserção; Intelectuais; PKK; Curdos; Turquia. Thesis; Embedded; Intellectuals; PKK; Kurds; Turkey. Tesis; Inserción; Intelectuales; PKK; Kurdos; Turquía.

How to Cite

Sargi, I. (2023). The “Loyal” Narrators. An Examination of Post-Graduate Theses on the Kurdish Conflict and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey. Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 4(7), e230106.


The Kurdish question and the PKK have been among the topics that have gained massive importance for almost a century in politics, daily life, and among academics. The declaration of the PKK, the last ideological rebellion against the Turkish state, has translated the Kurdish problem into the problem of assimilation, nationalization, and standardization of the decades-long armed conflict between the Turkish army and the PKK. This article aims to present a discourse and content analysis of the master’s and doctoral dissertations that were submitted to the Turkish Higher Education Institution (YÖK) between 1999–2020 in Turkey. The paper focuses on how and in which context these researchers analyzed and formulated their findings on the PKK and the Kurdish conflict. The two basic theoretical concepts on which the study is based are the “embedded journalist” used in media studies and Antonio Gramsci’s “organic intellectual.” The main argument of this study is that the theses have become an affirmation apparatus that reproduces the official ideology of the state with slight differences and feeds it to the masses, and at the same time, due to their narrative that is built with the eyes of the state, they tend to be examples of embedded journalism rather than scientific studies.


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